Event Catalogue

About The Project

Finding relevant events that you’re interested in, are close to you, and are at a time you want them to be has long been a problem. Whilst there are a number of sites that try and address this, there’s still much room for improvement. Our Czech development team were frustrated that this is even more of a problem in their part of the world; so we set them a challenge. They were tasked with creating an Event Catalogue application that could be adapted to any event type and work around the globe. Something that could be released for a specific target audience and grow with time. Something that could be tailored for clients who have such a requirement.

The Solution

Over the course of a matter of weeks they’d developed a fully functioning framework that we refer to as our Event Catalogue. A secure modern administration system for managing events, event types, locations, organisers, and a variety of additional options to allow the system to be tailored to an array of different needs.

In conjunction with this a front end application for the advertising and tracking of events in the IT conferencing space was developed. ‘Katalog It Akci’ (IT Catalogue of Events) is built entirely on the Event Catalogue framework and has been live since 2016; gaining more users and newsletter subscribers month on month.

Additional functionality is always being added to the Event Catalogue, and it is intended to be used as a basis for rolling out more event listings sites over the next few years in different parts of the world. A mobile application has been developed which is currently in alpha testing.

If you have a need for an Event Management system, why not take a look at Katalog It Akci or get in touch with one of our representatives.

Project Details


2 Months+

Key Outcomes


  • It has been built in ASP.NET MVC and runs off of a SQL Server database.
  • It is hosted in Azure.
  • The Mobile App has been developed in Xamarin and Grial Kit.


  • It is a beautifully designed web application, available for use on all browsers and all devices.
  • It includes a separate secure administration site written using the same technology.
  • A Mobile App for Katalog It Akci is soon to be released in the Czech Republic.


  • Initially the Event Catalogue was developed in only 2 months from inception to alpha release, but additions and improvements are ongoing.

Project Gallery

Get In Touch

If there’s anything you want to discuss with us, drop us a message, and one of our consultants will get back in touch to arrange a call.

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